George W. Bush talks about his “True Passion” to mark the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

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Panel 1:
George W. Bush holds a palette and paint brush next to a canvas on an easel.
"So much has changed since I first invaded Iraq. Did you know I’m an artist now?"

Panel 2:
George W. Bush paints on the canvas, the image is unseen.
"Some people know they’re artists when they’re kids! Others discover it after destabilizing an entire region and causing hundred of thousands of deaths."

Panel 3:
He turns the canvas around, a simple painting of the map of Iraq.
"But 20 years later, I’ve discovered my true passion, creating portraits of all my war crimes."

Panel 4:
George W. Bush is filled with happy purpose.
"I went looking for oil and found oil paints."