Posts Tagged two party opera
Dow Jones
If anyone is curious about the Turf Protection Law, the text is here (first item): It was passed in 1876 during the end of the Grant administration.
Webster–Ashburton Treaty
We The People – Census
Crisis Actor
Linda Brown, the young girl at the center of the Brown V. Board of Education decision and later civil rights leader, died on Sunday. For an era where civil rights were finally taking center stage, President Eisenhower was notably slow[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ma, Ma, Where’s My Pa?
Very Nice Things
The Washington Post reported yesterday that Trump’s national security advisors wrote “DO NOT CONGRATULATE” in big letters on his briefing papers about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s re-election “win.” So of course the next thing Trump did was to call him[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…